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2CR5 6v lithium Photo Spec Battery

2CR5 6v lithium Photo Spec Battery
2CR5 6v lithium Photo Spec Battery
Replaces DL245, EL2CR5, KL2CR5 & 5032LC
NZ$ 22.00 including GST
In Stock
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Voltage 6V
Capacity +/-1400mAh
Technology: Lithium Manganese Dioxide (LiMnO2)
Weight: 40g
Length: 45mm
Width/Diameter: 34mm
Height: 17mm

Product brand MAY vary depending on current stock on hand. Brands could be PANASONIC, CAMELLION, LISUN, MAXELL, DURACELL, ANSMANN or other TOP QUALITY brands. product will be indentical apart from the brand.

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NZ$ 22.00 including GST
In Stock
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