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12V 285Ah Lead Carbon AGM Deep Cycle Battery RM12-285LC

12V 285Ah Lead Carbon AGM Deep Cycle Battery RM12-285LC
12V 285Ah Lead Carbon AGM Deep Cycle Battery

- Volts: 12V
- Amp Hours Rating: 285Ah (C20)
- Technology : Lead Carbon AGM
- Dimensions: (L)527mm (W)280mm (H)230mm (TH)230mm
- Terminal Type: Dual
- Weight: 78kg

Other Collection locations available for this product are:
Whangarei (Central), Auckland (Albany), Auckland (Mangere), Hamilton (Burbush), Tauranga (Mt. Maunganui), Pamlerston North (Takaro), Wellington (Petone), Wellington (Seaview), Nelson (Central), Christchurch (Yaldhurst), Dunedin (Central)
YOU CAN ONLY COLLECT THIS ITEM FROM THE OTHER LOCATIONS if you order it separately from other product.
NZ$ 2,431.00 including GST
NZ$ 19.90
In Stock
3-5 business days from date of order
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Lead Carbon AGM Deep-Cycle batteries are used in numerous applications and are the preferred option where safety, long-life and totally maintenance-free operation are desired.
- Excellent energy storage capacity combined with high reliability
- Sulphation resistant batteries
- Longer charge capacity rates
- Very low gassing due to the internal gas recombination
- Require no special ventilation or cooling
- High cycle service life
- Improved high-temperature resistance
- Ultra-reliable

- Volts: 12V
- Amp Hours Rating: 285Ah (C20)
- Technology : Lead Carbon AGM
- Dimensions: (L)527mm (W)280mm (H)230mm (TH)230mm
- Terminal Type: Dual
- Weight: 78kg

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NZ$ 2,431.00 including GST
NZ$ 19.90
In Stock
3-5 business days from date of order
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