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Battery Cable, Leads, Lugs, Supports and Cable ties

YES, THE BATTERY CELL IS 100% NZ OWNED and LEGITIMATE -the proof is right [HERE]

Search For:
Cabling for Batteries, Marine, Welding. Premade length, rolls, lug ends, terminal ends, cable joiners, conduit, Heatshrink, Cable ties + supports, Tape and more

Cable Supports, Cable Ties, Battery cable, Battery wire, battery leads, battery electrical, car wire, RV cable, car cable, 12v battery, battery lugs, terminal lugs, cable lugs battery cable lugs, heavy duty o-rings, Cabling for Batteries, Marine, Welding. Premade length, rolls, lug ends, terminal ends, cable joiners, conduit, Heat shrink, Cable ties, cable supports, Electrical Tape, heatshrink, shrink wrap 

YES -we are that same awesome Battery Shop that used to be on The Esplanade!

Deliveries/Freight: Minimum $9.90, Maximum $15.90 Regardless of quantity ordered
